Terms of

These terms of service (“terms”) are a legal agreement between you and Awarehouse, LLC. And its affiliates (collectively, “Awarehouse,” “the company”, “us,” or “we”) regarding your use of services (any classes, events or activities (the “program”) hosted, sponsored, or affiliated with Awarehouse) available at Awarehouse in-person locations, www.awarehousedc.com, Awarehouse: Booking App, instructors ("guides/facilitators") employed or otherwise retained by Awarehouse, and including any downloadable software program that you are accessing or installing on your device or personal computer and the services available through that software program (together, the “service”).

By clicking “I agree”, “I accept”, or equivalent language, you agree to be bound by this agreement, you will waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue or claim compensation.

Part 1: release of liability, waiver of claims and assumption of risks

Please read carefully

In consideration of Awarehouse permitting you (“I” or “me”) to participate in activities including breathwork, yoga, meditation, specialty class and workshops, and use of Awarehouse’s saunas, ice baths, lounge rooms, and other amenities (collectively, the “activities”), and for other good and valuable consideration, you agree to all the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement (this “agreement”).

Assumption of risks

I am aware and understand that the activities may involve many risks, dangers and hazards, including but not limited to the risk of serious injury, death or property damage. I acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the activities. I freely accept and fully assume any and all of the risks, dangers and hazards involved and the possibility of injury, death or property damage, whether caused by the negligence of Awarehouse or otherwise. I understand that I should consult a doctor in advance of performing or participating in any of the activities and that I should advise Awarehouse of any health concerns in advance of starting the activities.

I hereby expressly waive and release any and all claims which I have or may in the future have against one or more of Awarehouse, any entities (including, without limitation, companies, partnerships, and trusts) owned, in whole or in part, by Awarehouse, and each of their affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders, successors and assigns (collectively, the “releasees”), arising out of or related to the activities (including while on my way to, while at, and while leaving any premises at which Awarehouse offers the activities), due to any cause whatsoever, including, without limitation, the negligence of Awarehouse or any other releasee, breach of contract, or breach of any statutory or other duty of care owing under occupiers liability legislation or otherwise.

I covenant not to make or bring any such claim against Awarehouse or any other releasee, and forever release and discharge Awarehouse and all other releasees from liability under such claims.I shall indemnify, defend, and hold Awarehouse and all other releasees harmless against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable legal fees, in connection with any third-party claim, suit, action or proceeding arising out of or resulting from the activities.

In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determines that the release of claims is not valid, I agree that in no event shall the releasees’ aggregate liability arising out of or related to the activities exceed the greater of (i) the total amount paid by me to Awarehouse in the 6 months preceding the event giving rise to the claim; and (ii) $500.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of Awarehouse and me with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, agreements, representations and warranties, both written and oral, with respect to such subject matter.

If any term or provision of this agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this agreement or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other jurisdiction.

This agreement is binding on and shall enure to the benefit of Awarehouse and me and each of our respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and permitted assigns.

This agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the county of Arlington and the federal laws of the United States of America applicable therein. To the extent permitted by applicable law, any claim or cause of action arising under this agreement may be brought only in the courts of the Arlington, Virginia, and I hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts.

The parties have required that this agreement and all documents and notices resulting from it be drawn up in English. Awarehouse receives the benefit of this agreement on behalf of the other releasees, as trustee and agent for such releasees.

Awarehouse shall be entitled to enforce this agreement on behalf of each of the other releasees.

Without limiting any of the foregoing, I agree that if I am engaging in or if I engage in the activities in my capacity as an employee, agent, director, officer, or other representative of any entity (including, without limitation, a company, partnership, or trust), I agree that I am authorized to bind such entity, and that, by entering into this agreement, I also agree that this agreement shall also be deemed to apply to any claims that such entity may have arising from or relating to the activities and shall function as a release from both (i) me in my individual capacity; and (ii) such entity.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood all of the terms of this agreement and that I am voluntarily waiving substantial legal rights, including the right to sue Awarehouse and the releasees.


You must be 18 years of age or older to use any of Awarehouse’s programs & services. By agreeing to this agreement during the sign up process, you represent and certify that you are legally able to enter into any and all purchase agreements with Awarehouse and its partners, vendors, agents and service providers. In the event that a session allows minors under the age of 18, parental written consent is required.

Community guidelines

By joining and participating in Awarehouse’s community you are agreeing to the following guidelines.


Do not publish your personal information in a public community. Please use direct messaging when personal information must be shared.

Do not take screenshots from Awarehouse’s community and post them anywhere without explicit consent from the publisher of the original content.

Do not share private conversations between users that were had with the expectation of remaining private.


Threatening language, harassment, violence, racism, bullying, attacks on or intimidation of any party, including our community members or staff; malicious speech regarding topics of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ethnic origin or race, religion, disability, size; sexist comments; or hate speech will not be tolerated.

Discrimination against people based on race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender identity, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics will not be tolerated.

In short, treat each other respectfully. Awarehouse is a welcoming community where diversity is encouraged to thrive.

Additional health disclaimer

I have read the notice regarding photosensitive seizures below and understand that the program may include video projections and stimulating visuals. I agree to fully assume all such risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following any such injury.

I agree to conduct myself in a safe and reasonable manner. I agree that I will not participate in the program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol and will not consume drugs or alcohol while participating in the program.

Notice regarding photosensitive seizures: a very small percentage of people may have seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain visual images, such as light flashes or patterns that may appear in videos. Even if they have never had a seizure or epilepsy before, some people may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching visual simulations. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion or momentary loss of awareness. Immediately stop participating in the program and consult a doctor if you experience any seizure related symptoms.


In order to use the service, you must create an account. When registering for an account, you must provide accurate and complete information and promptly update this information to keep it current. If you provide any information that is inaccurate or incomplete, or we have reason to believe that the information is inaccurate or incomplete, we may suspend or terminate your account and your use of service.

You are solely responsible for all activities that occur through your account. Users are responsible for keeping their login credentials confidential and safe. For this reason, users are also required to choose passwords that meet the highest standards of strength. By registering, users agree to be fully responsible for all activities that occur under their username and password.

To protect your account from unauthorized use, do not provide your username or password to anyone else. Please notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security by sending an email to info@awarehousedc.com.

Membership subscription fees

Awarehouse offers membership subscription-based access to its in-person experiences and on-demand app. Awarehouse reserves the right to cancel, interrupt, or reschedule any content, class, or online course. Subject to your payment of any applicable fees (including applicable taxes) and your compliance with all of the other terms Awarehouse specifies for the service, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license, so long as the classes and/or online courses are available on the service, to access, view, use, and display classes and/or online courses for non-commercial, private use.

Certain content offered through the service is available to you for a fee (“paid content”). Awarehouse uses a third-party payment processor (the “payment processor”) to link your credit card account to the service. The processing of payments or credits, as applicable, in connection with your use of the service will be subject to the terms, conditions and privacy policies of the payment processor and your credit card issuer in addition to these terms. Awarehouse is not responsible for any errors by the payment processor. In connection with your use of the service, awarehouse will obtain certain transaction details, which will be used solely in accordance with its privacy policy.

Memberships are billed on a periodic basis as specified at the time of purchase (e.g.,monthly or yearly). All membership contracts require a 3-month initial commitment, and a 30-day notice of cancellation. Your membership subscription will continue in effect on a recurring basis corresponding to the term of your subscription unless and until you cancel your subscription or the account or the service is otherwise suspended or discontinued pursuant to this agreement. If membership is cancelled or terminated before the end of the applicable billing cycle, Awarehouse will not reimburse the member for the remainder of that paid month. Members may cancel their membership at any time, given the 30-day notice and must provide notice in writing.

When you purchase a membership subscription, you will initially be charged at the rate applicable at the time of your agreement to subscribe. If Awarehouse later increases the price of the subscription, we will notify you via email. We reserve the right to change the price of our subscription at any time, and will notify you via email with at least 30 days notice. We require that you provide a valid credit or debit card at the time you register for a free trial to ensure that you have continued access to your membership after the expiration of the free trial period. Awarehouse will not bill your account until the free trial has expired and provided that you have not cancelled your account during the free trial period. You may only use a free trial once. It is very important to understand that you will not receive a notice from Awarehouse that your free trial has ended and that payment for your subscription is due. If you wish to avoid charges to your payment method, you must cancel your subscription prior to midnight EST on the last day of your free trial period.

Users may not share, give or sell their password or username to any other person or entity. Excessive viewings or logins by any user will be construed by Awarehouse as fraudulent use, which will result in the immediate cancellation of membership without refund. We reserve the right to cancel any membership it believes has been compromised, or is being used fraudulently, at its own discretion.

Awarehouse is a non-refundable subscription service. We do not refund any unused time. We trust our members to keep track of their subscriptions and to adhere to the terms and conditions agreed to upon registration.

Subscriptions handled via Apple ID and Google Play

Users may subscribe to a product using the Apple ID associated with their Apple App Store account by using the relevant process on this application. When doing so, users acknowledge and accept that;

  • Any payment due shall be charged to their Apple ID account;

  • Subscriptions are automatically renewed for the same duration unless the user cancels at least 24 hours before the current period expires;

  • Any and all fees or payments due for renewal will be charged within 24-hours before the end of the current period;

  • Subscriptions can be managed or cancelled in the users’ Apple App Store or Google Play account settings.

The above shall prevail upon any conflicting or diverging provision of these terms.

Offers and discounts

Awarehouse may offer discounts, promo codes, or provide special offers for the purchase of products. Any such offer or discount shall always be subject to the eligibility criteria and are always granted at our sole discretion. Repeated or recurring offers or discounts create no claim/title or right that users may enforce in the future. Depending on the case, discounts or offers shall be valid for a limited time only or in limited quantity.

Coupons and offer codes

Offers or discounts can be based on coupons and offer codes. Unless otherwise stated, these rules apply to the use of coupons:

  • Each coupon is only valid when used in the manner and within the timeframe specified on the website and/or the coupon;

  • A coupon may only be applied, in its entirety, at the actual time of purchase – partial use is not permitted; unless otherwise stated, single-use coupons may only be used once per purchase and therefore may only be applied a single time even in cases involving installment-based purchases; a coupon cannot be applied cumulatively;

  • The coupon must be redeemed exclusively within the time specified in the offer. After this period, the coupon will automatically expire, precluding any possibility for the user to claim the relevant rights, including cash-out;

  • The user is not entitled to any credit/refund/compensation if there is a difference between the value of the coupon and the redeemed value;

  • The coupon is intended solely for non–commercial use. Any reproduction, counterfeiting and commercial trade of the coupon is strictly forbidden, along with any illegal activity related to the purchase and/or use of the coupon.

Purchases via Apple App Store and Google Play

This application or specific products available for sale on this application must be purchased via a third-party app store. To access such purchases, users must follow the instructions provided on the relevant online store (such as "Apple App Store" or "Google Play"), which may vary depending on the particular device in use. Unless otherwise specified, purchases done via third-party online stores are also subject to such third-parties’ terms and conditions, which, in case of any inconsistency or conflict, shall always prevail upon these terms. Users purchasing through such third-party online stores must therefore read such terms and conditions of sale carefully and accept them.

Modification & discontinuation of content

We reserve the right at any time to modify, edit, delete, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently the service (or any portion thereof) with or without notice. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any such modification, editing, deletion, suspension or discontinuance of the service. We regularly make changes to the service. The availability of the content, as well as platforms and compatible devices through which devices are available, will change from time to time. We reserve the right to replace or remove any content and the platforms available to you through the service, including specific titles of content, and to otherwise make changes in how we operate the service. Additionally, you agree that for various reasons, certain content may be available through one platform may not be available on another. We hope not to, but we may change, suspend or discontinue – temporarily or permanently – some or all of the service (including the content and compatible devices through which the service is accessed), with respect to any or all users, at any time without notice. In our continued assessment of the service, we may from time to time, with respect to any or all of our users, experiment with or otherwise offer certain features or other elements of the service, including promotional features, user interfaces, plans, pricing, and advertisements. You acknowledge that the company may do so in the company's sole discretion at any time without notice.

Proprietary rights

Materials on the service, including, without limitation, names, logos, trademarks, images, text, columns, graphics, videos, photographs, illustrations, artwork, software and other elements (collectively, “material“) are protected by copyrights, trademarks and/or other intellectual property rights owned and controlled by Awarehouse or by third parties that have licensed or otherwise provided their material to the company. You acknowledge and agree that all materials on the service are made available to you for limited, non-commercial, personal use only. No material may be copied, reproduced, republished, sold, downloaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, or otherwise used for any purpose, by any person or entity, without the company’s prior express written permission.

Consent to electronic communications

By using the service, you consent to receiving electronic communications from us. These communications may include notices about your account and information concerning or related to the service. You agree that any notices, agreements, disclosures, or other communications that we send to you electronically will satisfy any legal communication requirements, including that such communications be in writing. You are solely responsible for all fees charged by your telecommunications service provider or any other service provider related to your use of the service, including without limitation any SMS / text messaging fees, data charges, and other fees.

Updates to our terms of service

We may occasionally update these terms of service. When we do, we will also revise the “last updated” date at the end of this document. Your continued use of our service after such changes will be subject to the then-current terms.

Contacting awarehouse

For questions, comments, complaints, or claims related to Awarehouse, please contact our Awarehouse team at info@awarehousedc.com.

Last updated: May 9, 2024